10% of ALL Profits Are Donated To The Build Fund for Wysteria Haven Safe Haven for Families affected by Domestic Violence

About Us

What Is God Is Love Shop All About?         

     Our motto is "Perfect Gifts 4 Imperfect People", where we believe there is always a perfect gift but there are no perfect people. We offer a wide assortment of truly thoughtful and personal gifts and Christian products perfect for any occasion.

We hope that through a worldwide mutual love of shopping we can unite, spark interest, educate, and love anyone and everyone so that the world can see God is love, God loves you, and God wants you to love each other. The goal is not to be perfect people but to be better people every day and with God, we believe that is possible.

While this is a retail store with the intent to encourage sales, this company was designed with much bigger goals in mind. As the creator of God Is Love Shop I have spent many years learning the never-ending obstacles that families experiencing domestic violence are faced with. I am a survivor of domestic violence and through my journey and the many other families, I came to know also experiencing DV I knew I wanted to make a difference in the futures of families of DV.

I have many ways I plan to do this but my first pledge is to donate 10% of all profits to assisting these families. You can view where this money goes here. Domestic Violence is extremely difficult to get out of. The statistics prove that it takes on average 7 attempts at leaving before one becomes successful at getting and staying out. Many ask why this is. If it's such a traumatic lifestyle why don't people escape immediately? There is a wonderful article written by Sarah M. Buel’s “Fifty Obstacles to Leaving, a.k.a., Why Abuse Victims Stay” I encourage you to read this to better understand the obstacles these families face. I plan to take on these reasons one by one and attempt to provide answers and solutions to overcome these reasons. 

On God Is Love Shop's website you will also find what we call our "God's Work" our testimony board". This is a place where shoppers from all around the world can share their stories. Everyone has experienced a moment, some have experienced many moments when something happens in your day or life that is so unbelievable, so stop you in your tracks that you know in that instant that someone bigger than this world is watching and working. I believe that person is the divine trinity, the Father, the Son, and the Holy Ghost and I hope through the ability to share our stories others are encouraged to find out more and grow closer to this someone.

Also, you will find my blog a smorgasbord of me. My blog will include updates about what we are doing here at God Is Love Shop to make a difference, new products and promotions, great ideas to make home life easier for everyone, amazing recipe ideas to spruce dinner up or speed it up, stories of families helped, ugly truths about domestic violence, tips to escape or support someone in need of escaping, and many, many more posts you will just have to read to discover!

There is something for everyone here so why not take a peek...

I wish you happy shopping, happy lives, happy hearts, and happy homes,

                    Merisha L. Crowl



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