10% of ALL Profits Are Donated To The Build Fund for Wysteria Haven Safe Haven for Families affected by Domestic Violence

Where Does The Money Go?

We are 100% transparent when it comes to the 10% of our profits that we donate to domestic abuse and child abuse victims. You can visit this page at any time to view information about how much was donated during a particular period. We will explain who that money was donated to and why, how it was used, and even provide pictures, videos, and other updates regarding, current, upcoming, and past donation recipients. 

So many "non-profit" organizations out there claim to stock up donations for different groups and unfortunately large portions if any never see the groups they claim to help. We are not a non-profit company and we do not claim to be. But we give 100% of the money we claim to give to people we promise to give it to and we aren't afraid to prove it.

Feel free to drop in any time and see how your urge to shop at our humble store began a ripple effect throughout the world and where those ripples end up. We will never ask for donations, we will never solicit you to donate to our causes, however if you feel the need to contribute to one of the stories you see on this page or any cause we are connected with please feel free to contact us directly through the contact us page and we will get you connected with the cause you are interested in investing in.

We believe that one small act of generosity and kindness will always be the beginning of a ripple effect of God's love throughout the world and we are committed to forever creating more ripples. 

God Is Love Shop



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